Create Your Own Password Cracking Wordlist…😈 #crunch tool kali linux
Crunch is a One of The Best Password Wordlist creating Tool in kali linux…
sudo apt install crunch
Using Method:
crunch <mimimum length> <maximum length> <Character String> <options>
- ls command to list files
- cat command to print file
- -c : To Specify the Number of Lines (number)
2. -d : To Specify the Limit of the Consecutive Characters (number &symbols)
$ crunch 4 4 2468 -d 2%
(I) Don’t Allow More than 2 duplicate Characterts
(II) % (Percentage Specific's Numeric)
3. -e : To Stop The Password Creating Process Early(string)
4. -o : Output file (file.txt)
5. -p : To Specify Don’t Repeat Characters
6. -s : To specify Starting string
7. -t : To Specifies a Character’s Pattern
(1) @ -Lower Case
(2) , -Upper Case
(3) % -Numeric
(4) ^ -Symbols
8. -z : To Create a output in zip file
(use multiple options to create a wordlist)
I Hope that tool Will Help You to Create a Password Cracking Wordlist
Happy to Hack…😈